The Alliance has five standing committees listed below. Each committee will follow the mission statement, purpose, and strategic plan of the Nevada Pharmacy Alliance. Every year the President will recommend a committee chair to a renewable one-year term and the Board of Directors will approve the position. The chair will select committee members within the parameters of the By-Laws and may include members of the Alliance. Each committee will have at least one member of the Board of Directors on it to act as a liaison.
Executive and Finance Committee: This committee oversees the immediate direction and oversees budget and financial responsibilities of the Alliance. It consists of members of the Board of Directors. This committee is not open to general Alliance members.
Legislative and Advocacy Committee: This Committee oversees the legislative responsibilities of the Alliance. It consists of a Board of Directors member(s) and anyone in Nevada that is looking to expand patient care by pharmacy teams. We also encourage all members to participate. To find out when the meetings meet, please look on the events tab on this website. Please send an email to to get the meeting link or go to our events tab to sign up to get the link.
Education, Events, and Membership Committee: This committee oversees continuing education, events, member relations, and communication responsibilities of the Alliance. It consists of a Board of Directors member(s) and is open to general Alliance members. This committee is open to all membership and encourages all members to participate. Please send an email to to get the meeting link or go to our events tab to sign up to get the link.
Pharmacy Technician and Intern Committee: This committee represents Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacy Intern members in the Alliance. It consists of Board of Director Members (including the two Pharmacy Technician Board Members and two Pharmacy Intern Board Members) and is open to general membership of the Alliance. The majority of the committee should be Pharmacy Interns, Pharmacy Technicians, and Pharmacy Technicians-In-Training. This committee is open to all membership for 2022 and encourages all members to participate. Please send an email to to get the meeting link or go to our events tab to sign up to get the link.